Last Chance: Enter THG's Vampire Diaries Soundtrack Contest!

Posted by abohan Senin, 08 November 2010 0 komentar
It's not too late to win an autographed copy of The Vampire Diaries Soundtrack, courtesy of THG and Ian Somerhalder! Our contest ends tomorrow (11/9)!
As you may know, the soundtrack for the hit CW series has just been released. Want to win a free copy signed by Ian? Here's your exclusive opportunity.
All you have to do to enter THG's exclusive Vampire Diaries Soundtrack giveaway is comment and tell us why you think we should give it to you.
Vampire Diaries Soundtrack
That's it. Follow the link HERE and make your case. You must log in to be eligible. You can register or login using your Facebook account in the comment box.
If you're a U.S. resident, the chance to win this awesome item is just one click and persuasive argument away. So go ahead. What are you waiting for?
Judul: Last Chance: Enter THG's Vampire Diaries Soundtrack Contest!
Ditulis oleh abohan
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