Miley Parties To Cope With Parents' Divorce

Posted by abohan Minggu, 07 November 2010 0 komentar

Aw, that makes us really sad actually.
According to sources, ever since Miley Cyrus' parents, Billy Ray and Leticia Cyrus, have split up, the 17-year-old has resorted to pAArtying to help cope with the situation. Miley hasn't been "sleeping a ton" and "the people closest to her are really concerned" about her.
The insider adds:
"She's feeling very stuck in the middle and her dad will ask her what her mom says and vice versa so its been really hard on her. She's feeling like everything is on her shoulders and its not fair.
She's known there were problems for a while and while she's happy they’re finally splitting and happy they’re not lying anymore she's still really upset and feels like for the sake of her little sisters she has to try and keep it together."
We guess that's why Miley has asked that her family be together for her 18th birthday.
Stay strong, gurl! If your parents were lying to each other, it just might be best that stay apart for the sake of the family.
Judul: Miley Parties To Cope With Parents' Divorce
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