Bosnian Protesters Decry "Ignorant" Angelina Jolie
Rabu, 01 Desember 2010
Angelina Jolie has become the target of more criticism, this time regarding her feature directorial debut, not just her hatred of Thanksgiving.
A love story set during the Bosnian War, her film was cut short after rumors that it portrayed a relationship between a rapist and his victim.
The project has sparked protests and was called "ignorant" by a group of women who were victims of sexual violence during the 1990s war.
In a letter to the United Nations refugee agency, for which the movie star is a goodwill ambassador, the Women Victims of War criticized her sharply.
They say they are "deeply concerned about the movie."
"Angelina Jolie's ignorant attitude towards victims says enough about the scenario and gives us the right to continue having doubts," the letter read.
After rumors of the rapist story line surfaced in October, a group of Bosnian War rape victims pressured officials to withdraw Jolie's filming permit.
The rumors proved to be untrue.
The country's minister of culture read the script - about a Bosnian woman who falls in love with a Serb man - and Jolie's permit was reinstated.
However, Jolie earlier this month cut the shooting schedule from 10 days to three and decided to film some of the scenes in Hungary instead.
At the time, Jolie said she wanted to meet with the groups that complained to clear up any misunderstanding, but no meeting ever transpired.
"We have insisted to meet Angelina Jolie since we don't want to be wrongly presented in the world ... Our voices are worthwhile and we should have got much more respect," the WVW letter read. "Angelina has made a big mistake."
"We feel that she did not act like a real UNHCR ambassador and we believe that she has no more credibility to remain the ambassador."
Wait until that big Angelina Jolie drug video leaks!
See also:
A love story set during the Bosnian War, her film was cut short after rumors that it portrayed a relationship between a rapist and his victim.
The project has sparked protests and was called "ignorant" by a group of women who were victims of sexual violence during the 1990s war.
They say they are "deeply concerned about the movie."
"Angelina Jolie's ignorant attitude towards victims says enough about the scenario and gives us the right to continue having doubts," the letter read.
After rumors of the rapist story line surfaced in October, a group of Bosnian War rape victims pressured officials to withdraw Jolie's filming permit.
The rumors proved to be untrue.
The country's minister of culture read the script - about a Bosnian woman who falls in love with a Serb man - and Jolie's permit was reinstated.
However, Jolie earlier this month cut the shooting schedule from 10 days to three and decided to film some of the scenes in Hungary instead.
At the time, Jolie said she wanted to meet with the groups that complained to clear up any misunderstanding, but no meeting ever transpired.
"We have insisted to meet Angelina Jolie since we don't want to be wrongly presented in the world ... Our voices are worthwhile and we should have got much more respect," the WVW letter read. "Angelina has made a big mistake."
"We feel that she did not act like a real UNHCR ambassador and we believe that she has no more credibility to remain the ambassador."
Wait until that big Angelina Jolie drug video leaks!
See also:
Judul: Bosnian Protesters Decry "Ignorant" Angelina Jolie
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